Spotting Fluid / Extreme Pressure Lubricant
General Description
ENVIROSPEC 1510 is a non-toxic, biodegradable, water soluble, high solids, combination long chain aliphatic phosphate ester and polyglycol monoester additive for spotting fluids. It will quickly penetrate into the wall cake, incorporating the existing water into the spotting fluid, and at the same time, coats the native or commercial clays to eliminate further water absorption, and will cause partial dehydration of the wall cake. As the cake dehydrates, it becomes less cohesive and allows penetration of the spotting fluid and wetting of the drill pipe. ENVIROSPEC 1510 will contribute good lubricity and EP properties. The force necessary to free the pipe is therefore greatly reduced.
1½ to 2½ gallons (4 - 6%) of ENVIROSPEC 1510 per barrel of spotting fluid for weighted and un-weighted drilling fluid.
Physical Properties
Viscosity | 200 cps |
Specific Gravity | 1.05 |
pH, 5% aqueous dispersion | 8.5 - 9.0 |
Pour Point | 32º F |
Flash Point | Non-Flammable |
ENVIROSPEC 1510 is available in UN approved 55 gallon drums and bulk quantities.
Observe warning label on containers. Normal precautions for industrial chemicals apply.