General Description

DF-10 is a silicone/solvent DEFOAMER designed especially to control foaming conditions often found in waste water treatment, foam resulting from surfactant processes and produced water foaming.



DF-10 is formulated with aliphatic solvents and silicone and is readily biodegradable. DF-10 can be batch treated at rates of 50 to 500 ppm. Metering is recommended for long-term use to prevent over treatment. Spraying foam is the preferred method of treating surface foam. For long-term treatment of water-based foam by metering, we recommend use of DF-977 water in oil emulsion anti-foam.

Physical Properties

Color Clear Liquid
Specific Gravity 60°F 0.90
Density 7.52 lbs./gal
Flash Point >120° F



DF-10 is available in UN approved 5 gallon pails and 55 gallon drums.


Observe warning label on containers. Normal precautions for industrial chemicals apply.

pdf DF-10-PB (85 KB)